قدم طلاب وطالبات الصف الأول الثاني الفترة الأولى الصباحية الامتحان النهائي لمادة اللغة الانجليزية للعام 2020 عبر نظام التابلت من المنازل.

وشهد في الدقائق الأولى من بدء الامتحان عمليات تسريب الاجابات الخاصة بامتحان اللغة الانجليزية أولى ثانوي 2020 عبر مواقع التواصل الاجتماعي وجروبات الخاصة بالصف الأول الثانوي، وجاءت الاجابات كالتالي :-

تسريب إجابات امتحان الانجليزي الصف الأول الثانوي 2020 :-




إجابة سؤال الإختياري :-

6- cruel
7- empty
12- wake
16- about

18_ beauty of flowers
19_ Can often serve as a reminder of the fragility of nature
21_ flowers beauty and the different uses of them
22_ Planting more flowers will change a lot of things like there will be air pollution any more and the oxygen will increase
Also the wonderful smell that it produces help the human to relax very well
سؤال الترجمه :-
25-يبدو أننا أصبحنا أكثر انشغالًا وازدحامًا في حياتنا ، لذلك نحتاج إلى تعلم الاسترخاء والاستمتاع بالأشياء ببطء

26-Health is a wonderful poke that complements our happiness. It is worth noting that we cannot really enjoy our life if you are not healthy, no matter how rich we are.

إخفاء هذا المحتوى أو الإبلاغ عنه

إجابة سؤال الموضوع :-

Development is being attempted by trying to gradually reconcile the conditions of schools with a five-year plan accompanying curriculum development, and it can take advantage of the vacuum resulting from the return of the sixth year of basic education to end the last stage of development. 3- Developing the basic education stage and linking it to the secondary vocational education through the industrial field subject and giving way to increasing the shares of this article and the diversity of its activities and making these activities specific to the type of secondary vocational education to which the student will join after the preparatory stage. 4 - Assigning specialists to study the matter carefully, that university professors participate in this study - directed to education and teachers who are in direct contact with the educational process and consulting some of the graduate students as well as business and industrial men, as they will have a major role in training these students during their studies by providing places for them in Various factories and companies for training in order for the learner to be completely in touch with the market mechanisms before graduation and based on a sound scientific basis. And make this in the form of weekly credit hours. 5- The textbook: The textbook becomes a covenant that the student will receive, maintain, and return the next year to be received by another student. Provided that the age of the book is determined by a number of years 3: 5, which gives us the necessary opportunities to develop a method of printing, packaging and displaying the content in the textbook and making it attractive to learners while providing it with colored means with the issuance of a CD with each study book the student buys at cost or with a simple profit that helps the return from it to Contribute to educational technology projects. The student whose book is destroyed will pay an insurance capacity for the damaged book, and we will find that this topic at the beginning will be difficult, but after 3 or four years it will become a pattern in our life in Egypt [and if this idea is not completed then we must convert the textbook into a reference that the student keeps in his library instead of Sell ​​it to wrap food by developing the cover and illustrations, taking questions out of the book, printing them in their own small booklets and incorporating some curricula for the classroom

المصدر : الوطنية